Our best ideas are yet to come.
Ronald J. Daniels took office in March 2009 as the 14th president of Johns Hopkins University. Before his appointment at Johns Hopkins, Daniels was provost at the University of Pennsylvania, and before that, dean and James M. Tory Professor of Law at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law.
Daniels is the author or co-author of dozens of scholarly articles and the author or editor of seven books. In 2009, he was elected a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He sits on the boards of the East Baltimore Development Inc., the Baltimore Community Foundation, the Goldseker Foundation, the Maryland Chamber of Commerce, the Governor’s International Advisory Council, and the Asia Pacific Rim Universities World Institute.
In May 2013, after several years of discussions with faculty and students, staff and alumni, deans and trustees, Daniels unveiled “Ten by Twenty.” This set of four major priorities, grouped by themes, is guiding the university through the remainder of the decade. To take a look at how the university is doing as it approaches this milepost, visit http://10x2020progress.jhu.edu/ for progress reports, success stories, and where Johns Hopkins is striving to do more to move the needle.
10 By 2020
One University
1. Selectively invest in those programs and activities that will advance significantly our core academic mission.
2. Strengthen our capacity for faculty-led interdisciplinary collaboration and launch a set of innovative cross-cutting initiatives that will contribute substantially to the world of ideas and action.
3. Enhance the impact of Johns Hopkins Medicine, the Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the School of Nursing, as the world’s pre-eminent academic health sciences enterprise by deepening collaboration among these entities and with disciplines in other parts of the university and across the globe.
Individual Excellence
4. Build Johns Hopkins’ undergraduate experience so it stands among the top 10 in the nation.
5. Build on our legacy as America’s first research university by ensuring that at least two-thirds of our Ph.D. programs stand among the top 20 in their fields.
6. Attract the very best faculty and staff in the world through a welcoming and inclusive environment that values performance and celebrates professional achievement.
Commitment to Our Communities
7. Enhance and enrich our ties to Baltimore, the nation, and the world, so that Johns Hopkins becomes the exemplar of a globally engaged urban university.
Institution Building
8. Strengthen the institutional, budgetary, technological, and policy frameworks necessary to set priorities, allocate resources, and realize the highest standards of academic excellence. 9. Reinforce our position as the leading university recipient of competitively funded federal research support, while increasing the amount of annual research investment from other sources with appropriate cost recovery.
10. Develop the resource base necessary to support investments in key academic priorities.
President’s Cabinet
Kerry A. Ates – Vice President, Chief of Staff
Branville Bard Jr. – Vice President for Public Safety
Helene T. Grady – Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer
Andrew A. Green – Vice President for Communications
Laurent Heller – Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration
Jeanne Hitchcock – Interim Vice President for Government and Community Affairs
Pierre D. Joanis – Vice President for Human Resources
Sunil Kumar – Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Melissa Lindamood – Interim Vice President for Federal Strategy
Maureen S. Marsh – Secretary, Board of Trustees
Robert A. McLean – Vice President for Facilities and Real Estate
Jason T. Perlioni – Vice President, Investments and Chief Investment Officer
Paul Pineau – Vice President and General Counsel
Dwight Raum – Interim Vice Provost for Information Technology & Chief Information Officer
Lainie Rutkow – Senior Adviser to the President for National Capital Academic Strategy
Fritz W. Schroeder – Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations
Alicia Wilson – Vice President for Economic Development
Christy Wyskiel – Senior Adviser to the President for Enterprise Development
Deans and Directors
Fred Bronstein – Dean of the Peabody Institute
Christopher S. Celenza – Dean of the Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences
Ellen J. MacKenzie – Dean of the Bloomberg School of Public Health
Christopher C. Morphew – Dean of the School of Education
Virginia Roach – Executive Director, Center for Talented Youth
Paul B. Rothman – Vice President for Medicine; Frances Watt Baker, M.D., and Lenox D. Baker Jr., M.D., Dean of the School of Medicine; Chief Executive Officer, Johns Hopkins Medicine
T. E. “Ed” Schlesinger – Benjamin T. Rome Dean of the G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering
Ralph D. Semmel – Director of the Applied Physics Laboratory
Jim Steinberg – Dean of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies
Sarah L. Szanton – Dean of the School of Nursing
Winston Tabb – Sheridan Dean of University Libraries and Museums
Alexander Triantis – Dean of the Carey Business School
University Board of Trustees, 2020-21
Louis J. Forster, chair
Anthony A. Anderson, vice chair
Sarah B. O’Hagan, vice chair
William E. Conway Jr., vice chair, ex officio
James Anderson
Jeffrey S. Barber
Chaomei Chen
Renee Chenault-Fattah
Charles Clarvit
N. Anthony Coles
Blake Cordish
Susan Daimler
Ronald J. Daniels, ex officio
Mary Ann Dickson, ex officio
Andreas C. Dracopoulos
Roger C. Faxon
Taylor A. Hanex
Michael D. Hankin
Charles J. Homcy
John Hunter
Bahija Jallal
Solomon J. Kumin
Ethan D. Leder
Ross Margolies
William H. Miller III
Stephen G. Moore
Heather H. Murren
Karen B. Peetz
Anika M. Penn, ex officio
Michael Rosenbaum
Gary Roughead
Charles W. Scharf
Charles P. Scheeler
Mayo A. Shattuck III
A. J. Shechtel
William J. Stromberg
Ci-Ying Sun
Emeritus Trustees
Robert J. Abernethy
Leonard Abramson
Peter G. Angelos
C. Michael Armstrong
Norman R. Augustine
Janie E. Bailey
Lenox D. Baker Jr.
H. Furlong Baldwin
Jeremiah A. Barondess
Ernest A. Bates
David H. Bernstein
Paula E. Boggs
Aurelia G. Bolton
George L. Bunting Jr.
Constance R. Caplan
Ina R. Drew
Manuel Dupkin II
James A. Flick Jr.
Richard S. Frary
Sanford D. Greenberg
Benjamin Howell Griswold IV
Lee Meyerhoff Hendler
David C. Hodgson
R. Christopher Hoehn-Saric
Stuart S. Janney III
Jeong H. Kim
Donald A. Kurz
Joanne Leedom-Ackerman
Alexander H. Levi
F. Pierce Linaweaver
Roger C. Lipitz
Christina L. Mattin
Gail J. McGovern
Harvey M. Meyerhoff
Naneen H. Neubohn
David P. Nolan
Ronald M. Nordmann
Walter D. Pinkard Jr.
Joseph R. Reynolds Jr.
Brian C. Rogers
David M. Rubenstein
Mark E. Rubenstein
John F. Ruffle
Marshal L. Salant
Frank Savage
Rajendra Singh
Wendell A. Smith
Shale D. Stiller
Morris Tanenbaum
Adena Wright Testa
William F. Ward Jr.
James L. Winter
Calman J. Zamoiski Jr.
Former Chairs
Jeffrey H. Aronson
Michael R. Bloomberg
Pamela P. Flaherty
Raymond A. Mason
Morris W. Offit
George G. Radcliffe